Smoking Cessation & the Elderly Publications

Smoking Cessation & the Elderly Publications
The Center for Social Gerontology
2307 Shelby Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 tel: 734 665-1126 fax: 734 665-2071

The Center for Social Gerontology has compiled a list of publications and/or program descriptions which are particularly germane for smoking cessation and the elderly. When possible, we have included a link to the full publication or the abstract. For a more comprehensive list of recent articles, you can view TCSG's Bibliography of Smoking Cessation Articles Concerning Older Adults by clicking here. That bibliography contains mainly articles written after 1996 since TCSG's Bibliography of Tobacco and the Elderly Articles which can be accessed here, includes a section on "Smoking Cessation," which lists articles on this topic largely published between the late 1980s and 1996.

Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care: A Resource Guide for Health Plans
The American Association of Health Plans complied a 75 page resource guide based on the premise that managed care has a unique opportunity to integrate multifaceted and effective tobacco control interventions. The guide offers resources for health plans which have already initiated a comprehensive tobacco control initiative, ones who are just beginning to consider developing one, and all others in between.

American Association of Health Plans. Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care: A Resource Guide for Health Plans. January 2001.

Healthy Aging Initiative, Medicare Stop Smoking Program
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) is conducting a demonstration to test smoking cessation as a Medicare benefit, based on RAND's Healthy Aging Project Evidence Report on smoking cessation and the Public Health Service clinical guideline on treating tobacco use and dependence. The demonstration will compare the impact of offering three different types of benefits for smoking cessation services on quit rates. The three benefit options are: (1)Reimbursement for provider counseling only; (2)Reimbursement for provider counseling and FDA-approved prescription or nicotine replacement pharmacotherapy; or (3) A telephone counseling quitline + reimbursement for nicotine replacement therapy. Seven states will be participating in the demonstration--Alabama, Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Recruitment of smokers will start in 2001; the study will be completed in 2003. HCFA consulted with and is implementing this demonstration in collaboration with the U.S. Public Health Service, the federal agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services, and other public and private sector organizations.

Interventions to Promote Smoking Cessation in the Medicare Population. Prepared by RAND.

Helping Smokers Change
The World Health Organization has set the fight against tobacco dependence as one of its main priorities and has compiled this 145 page manual for training health care professionals. The manual takes one through how to design a course. Creative techniques are used for teaching courses for smokers including brainstorming, experimental exercises, and role plays. The manual includes visual aids, handouts, and information on where to go for more resources.

Pip Mason. Helping Smokers Change: A Resource Pack for Training Health Professionals. World Health Organization, 2001.

The Management of Nicotine Addiction
This chapter provides an overview of different approaches to smoking cessation, including non-pharmacological approaches, nicotine replacement therapies, and non-nicotine medications. Medical advice and cost-effectiveness of cessation are also discussed. The authors find that all the available evidence suggests that treatment for nicotine addiction can be obtained at a very low cost per life-year gained compared to most other health care interventions.

"The Management of Nicotine Addiction." Nicotine Addiction in Britain: A Report of the Tobacco Advisory Group of the Royal College of Physicians. London: Royal College of the Physicians of London, 2000.

Reimbursement for Smoking Cessation Therapy: A Healthcare Practitioner's Guide
The guides discuss the role of the health care professional in smoking cessation and encourages health care providers to get involved. Included is a section on public and private sector initiatives of reimbursement for smoking cessation. The authors also encourage office managers to become proactive and learn what cessation treatment is covered, and they provide codes for reimbursement. To access the second edition of the guide in pdf format, click here.
To access the third edition in pdf format, please click the main title link above.

Reimbursement for Smoking Cessation Therapy: A Healthcare Practitioner's Guide. Professional Assisted Cessation Therapy, 2001.

Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence
This collaboration between the federal government and nonprofit organizations was developed in order to make recommendations on the treatment of tobacco use and dependence for health care professionals. Extensive literature searches were conducted, and critical reviews and syntheses were used to evaluate empirical evidence and significant outcomes. Peer and field reviews were undertaken to evaluate the validity, reliability, and utility of the guideline in clinical practice. This is an important guideline for any health care professional who sees patients who smoke. The pdf version is just under 200 pages.

Fiore MC, Bailey WC, Cohen SJ, et al. Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence. A Clinical Practice Guideline. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, 2000.