The National Center for Tobacco-Free Older Person

Links To Tobacco Settlement Funds Info
The Center for Social Gerontology
2307 Shelby Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 tel: 734 665-1126 fax: 734 665-2071

This site is intended to provide direct links to other web sites which have information relevant to the tobacco settlement agreement, including to the full Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) and to an analysis of the agreement.

Information on other sections of this site, particularly the sections on "Tobacco & Older Persons: Fact Sheets, etc.," "Tobacco-related Health Problems & Older Persons," "Tobacco & Adult Minorities," and the articles in the "Tobacco & the Elderly Notes newsletters," are intended to provide advocates and policymakers with information which can be easily used to establish a strong case for settlement funds being used for programs for older persons, minorities and for tobacco prevention and cessation programs. We encourage you to make use of these materials.

The following are links to key sites for information on tobacco settlement funds:

National Association of Attorneys General site

(This site provides a copy of the Master Settlement Agreement and other relevant info.)

Tobacco Control Resource Center site

(This site provides an excellent analysis of the Master Settlement Agreement, including its many flaws.)

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids site

(This site provides information and analyses concerning the MSA, summaries of state settlement funds actions, and other info.)

National Governor's Association site

(This site provides various pieces of information about the MSA and state's handling of the funds.)

Cato Institute-sponsored Analysis of Constitutional & Antitrust Violations in MSA

(This analysis by the conservative Cato Institute raises various legal issues with the Master Settlement Agreement.)

The Center for Social Gerontology, Inc.
2307 Shelby Avenue  Ann Arbor, MI  48103
Tel: (734) 665-1126  Fax: (734) 665-2071